1·Besides, there are smokers who accidentally set fires.
2·We have certainly read or seen news reports of how some monks in se Asia set fires and burned themselves to death.
3·As the elevation dropped the air heated and the scents of dry brush, dead leaves, and deliberately-set fires filled the car.
4·They used disguises to get close to animals, lured prey with animal calls, and set fires to drive animals toward hunters or traps.
5·"Fire truck!" yelled five-year-old Billy. His mom had told him his dad was a fireman. When he got older he set fires, hoping to meet dad.
6·Masked youths clashed with police and set fires in cities across France as protests against a proposed hike in the retirement age took an increasingly radical turn.
7·Most of the students, professors and others who came to vent their anger did so peacefully, but one group broke off from the main rally, smashed windows and set fires.
8·Dan's energy and spirit... he was like a comet... he TOOK OFF — but the sparks from that comet continue to set fires in people and I think will continue to do so for a very long time.
9·Its precision reach affords the ability to provide responsive, long-range lateral supporting fires as well as shaping fires that set the conditions for decisive victory.
10·"We've been chasing fires in this region for a number of years, which is how we amassed this unique data set," said Turetsky.
“我们数年来一直都在关注这一地区的山火现象,我们就是采取这样的办法来收集这些独特的数据。” 特莱特斯基说。